First Feature Film in China and working with Jet Li: The Sorcerer and the White Snake

The Sorcerer and the White Snake (白蛇传说) premiers in China Theaters September 2011. This was my first time acting on screen next to huge A-List talent – Jet Li (李连杰) and Wen Zhang (文章). This is Jet Li’s first movie where he returns to action films after a hiatus due to his focus on his philanthropy organization, One Foundation, over the past few years. Also a well-known actor, Wen Zhang, shares the screen with Jet Li as disciple to Fahai (Jet Li’s character). Other stars include Eva Huang who plays White Snake, Charlene Choi who plays Green Snake, and Raymond Lam who plays Xu Xian.
If you haven’t heard of this fabled love story, here’s the trailer:
Youtube version:
In those clips you might notice a certain monk, played by yours truly. In the movie I have scenes with the lead cast, have my first Chinese lines, and even have a close up. — How did this come to be?

On November 11, 2010 I got my acting debut in China. It has always been a dream of mine to work with world class actors, directors, and producers. It all started when I was on set (involved in some productions work). I was watching Jet Li doing some action scenes. I got so excited that I started warming up a little and a few wushu moves started coming out. I was trying to control it, but I was too pumped! The producer, who we had been working with since pre-production on this film, noticed me and casually said “Have you ever thought about being in movies?”. I swallowed my excitement and with composure said, “Yes, of course. I love movies.” And with a smile she said, “Okay let me put you in a scene. I’ll talk to Jet.”
And that’s how it happened. There were a few surprises along the way, but fate played it’s course and I eventually had my first moment on the big screen. Director Tony Ching was incredible as well. He was a really cool guy and we chatted about how he had spent some time in LA. After we shot the scene, he decided to give me a close up. That was something I had never experienced. Though this was a moment that I had always hoped for, it can be a surprise how fast it hits you. There were hundreds of crew members, lights, extras, sound equipment, and a light reader in your face. I had a lot of pressure not to mess up because everyone was giving me this incredible opportunity. In the end it all worked out. I definitely will always remember the experiences I had on set and all the great people I got to work with.

As I reflect back on all the cold days and long nights on set, I feel like it was all worth it when I see the movie come together. What I love about filmmaking is that you can develop lasting relationships from working in such a tight-knit crew; Everyone feels a sense of satisfaction knowing that something we all worked on comes together as a completed piece. And that’s largely why I chose to get involved in movies.
In July we held a press release to promote the movie. Below you can see stars Jet Li and Eva Huang with the producers and director Tony Ching.

The US release date is December 2012. Here is the US trailer: